
"A concept - no concept." Chris Göttel

"I draw my sources from commercial magazines, advertising photos or photographic representations, which often seem trivial but nevertheless trigger a charm when their context is changed. The works are combined or collaged with a wide variety of techniques, be it painting, drawings, or everyday materials.


Searching, finding, recycling, spontaneity, discarding moods, gluing, collaging, appropriating real objects - yes, this non-intentionally controlled or non-conceptual approach, this Dadaist randomness is what appeals to me. In this way, pictorial information is also put into a new context in an installation.


So I try to present one or the other theme sarcastically, humorously, or whimsically. For me, it is rather about the liberation of the pictorial space and the freedom of the artistic form of expression. In other words, a crossing of boundaries."

Chris Göttel, March 2021
